Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Like Pretty Things -- My Own Jewelry Holder

So as many of you may already know.. I basically LOVE Pinterst! so you need to follow me :)

I've recently been on a mission to find ways, gadgets, and inspirations to organize anything and everything in my house. For months now I've had all my jewelry stored away in a little box mother gave me like 5+ years ago. One day through my hefty searching of Pinterest I found some really good ideas of how to organize all the pretty jewelry us women tend to have. So today I decided that's what I was going to do.

I went ahead and drove myself to GoodWill <<< like it or not it's probably one of the better places to find things that you basically cant find anywhere else.. and IF you can they're usually about 1/3 of the price @ GoodWill.. Sometimes.. More often than not. But I had no luck, so conveniently Ross is located right across the street. The post I had seen on Pinterest used a Paper Towel Holder
 Here's the tutorial for that one

So after looking around in Ross, I went to the bathroom accessories isle, and found something pretty unique, as I usually never see this. I bought a "On the counter bathroom towel holder" It was really cute and it only cost $3.99.. UM PERFECT! I thought for necklaces especially cause it has three different bars at different heights. Then I figured I needed something to put my bracelets in and I found a toilet paper holder that was almost the same color. This one was only $4.99 -- again score! Especially cause Montana is tax-less (side note: maybe the one thing about shopping here that I love). 
Here's a pic of what I got.. see almost the same color but not quite. 

I then figured I would probably need to either distress them or paint them so that they would match somewhat in color. I drove to ACE (which is basically another version of Home Depot) and I looked around at different paints.. I'm currently obsessed with anything that comes in Tiffany and Co colors.. and WALA I found paint that looks like that beautiful minty/pastel blue color. 
After about 30 minutes of letting it dry here is what it looked like :)

I absolutely love how this turned out!!!! 
So then I grabbed my box of jewelry and untangled everything... Placed it on my bedside table.. and now I can look at it and admire how pretty it is :) 

Now if only I had a huge Vanity with a Huge Mirror... mm.. next project?.. maybe baby :)